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School teachers: Paving the way for every student

Without school teachers there cannot be any other profession in this world. The most brilliant scientists, astronomers, and surgeons have their foundation laid by every teacher who has been a part of the school lives. The role of teachers is vast and immeasurable. They pave the way for generations of students by donning various mantles of a mentor, guide, philosopher, friend and even a confidante. Educators from one of the leading schools in Chennai state that teachers are responsible for the very foundation of education. Apart from imparting knowledge, teachers redefine many aspects of their jobs:

  • The teaching tools and methods.
  • The standards and assessment processes.
  • The approach to the content of the curriculum.
  • Their preparation methods.
  • Approach to professional development.

The primary role of teachers in schools

A successful teacher is defined by his/ her ability to teach and impart a positive influence on students. The role of a good teacher stretches way beyond the realms of teaching. In a school environment, the teacher’s role is more pronounced because he/she lays the foundation for countless students from a very young, impressionable age.

Having said that, school teachers have the immense responsibility of playing various roles such as:

  • Knowledge sharing

The primary duty of a teacher is to impart knowledge- from the books and their repository of acquired knowledge. The teaching role establishes the groundwork for other roles because everything else depends on the success and failure of the teacher in carrying out her basic responsibility.


A Babaji Vidyashram School Boy Student trying out his hand at the pottery session
  • Being a role model

After the parent, the teacher is the next best thing that all children look up to as an example for character building. Children spend a huge part of their lives in schools, so it is very natural for them to follow in the footsteps of their teachers. Hence, teachers have the enormous responsibility of leading by example and being a good role model who can make a positive influence in everyone’s lives.

  • Guiding and mentoring

A good teacher is also a reliable mentor. Mentoring comes only when the teacher is willing to listen to the student and give the required guidance for any issue-be it academic or personal. Growing up, children may face many issues in school. With the right mentoring, teachers can ensure that the child takes the right growth path and makes happy memories.

  • Protector

Parents entrust their children under the care of teachers with the assurance that they will take care of and protect them from any harm. Teachers are trained to look out for signs of trouble in terms of behavioural changes and health issues. They are taught to follow a certain protocol when it comes to dealing with such issues.

  • Parental guidance

Most teachers are parents themselves. Hence, it is only natural for the role to transcend the realm of books and lessons. Teachers and students spend so much time together, and inadvertently the teacher takes on the role of an external parent. They become a role model and a source of inspiration and guidance.

  • A good learner

In the teaching profession, the teachers have something new to learn every single day. There is no such thing as “knowing it all” in this job. Experienced teachers will agree to the fact that they learn from children as much as they impart knowledge. The learning process is not confined to book knowledge alone. It involves more challenges and ideas to help foster wholesome development in generations of students.

What a CBSE school says about reinventing the role of teachers

As their experience grows, the teachers take on more responsibilities and roles. They define various strategies to refine educational effectiveness and the dynamics of learning. Older teachers become mentors for new entrants in the profession to ensure that they are primed to take on the challenges of the new-age classroom.

Reinventing the role of teachers inside and outside the school premises results in better students and better citizens. So profound is the impact of a good teacher, that they can lead children to become learned, refined, and good humans.

Babaji Vidhyashram, Chennai: The premier CBSE school with the best teachers

At Babaji Vidhyashram, the leading CBSE school in Chennai, we take extra care in choosing our faculty, for they are the backbone of our institution. Our teachers are well-trained and highly qualified to tackle the CBSE curriculum and be excellent role models for our students.

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Clasic Farms Road,
Chennai - 600 119,
Tamilnadu, India

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