Mathematics can be very creative. We can find a solution using many ways , one among the way is through arts. Learning through art makes abstract math concepts concrete, understandable and approachable . Students will be able to visualise what they learn.
The important results of art integration into Math teaching are student’s increased motivation and curiosity in learning. Art integration in Math not only increases the curiosity ,but aids in constructing a deeper understanding of Math concepts. It helps children to develop creative problem solving skills.
When students learn through arts, they go through different stages such as observing, thinking, imagining, exploring, experimenting, deducing, creating, recreating and expressing. These stages need actual involvement of all three domains ( cognitive, psycho-motor and affective). It is experiential in nature and leads to holistic development of every student.
Click here for detailed learning objectives of Art integration:
For example deriving a formula using an art activity provides creative space to every student to explore, experience and express without worrying about the judgment which helps them to overcome the subject fear and enhances their joy of doing and learning.
At Our CBSE school in Chennai, we integrated art into all core subjects. Students are given the opportunity to construct and demonstrate their understanding through various art forms.
Playing with colours and drawing pictures is not the only way to express their understanding it can be in the form of fine arts and Design thinking. Practicing artistic activities like acting,singing boost the self confidence of students of all levels.
The students@ BVS has done art integration projects in Mathematics. Please check this link for students projects.