The best CBSE schools in Chennai have begun paying close attention to early childhood care and education. The reason is that the development rate in the first eight years of a child’s life is the most rapid. It has put the significance of learning in the early years beyond debate. What is early childhood education? The education and care a child gets between ages 0 and 8 come under ECCE or early childhood care and education. This includes:
The goal of early education is simple to prepare a child for elementary school and give them a head start for the future.
Research has proven that 85% of brain development happens in the first six years of our lives. It is why schools in Chennai put so much emphasis on ECCE. The early phase of life is a sensitive and critical period, where the brain develops competencies like
The learning and education received during the first few years become the foundation for lifelong development. It can define the success of a person’s life to a huge extent because it leaves a lasting impact.
The National Council of Educational Research and Training performed research on 30,000 students. The result showed a strong correlation between early learning and:
When children see that learning can be fun and activity-filled in the early years, their hunger and curiosity for more are built. The eagerness to know more remains with them throughout their lives. But it is not just lifelong learning that makes ECCE critical.
A good human being is one with a robust emotional, physical, social and mental personality. Good early childhood education helps build and mould all these aspects. Good schools in Chennai work on identifying the weaker elements in a child and then work on improving them through ECCE. As a result, the child benefits from holistic development and not just mental.
Another benefit of ECCE is socialising. We are social beings who thrive when we build friendships and bonds. Early education teaches the young mind the self-confidence to meet new people and socialise. It provides a safe environment where kids can mingle with people of their age and learn how to interact.
There are plenty of other benefits of early childhood care and education. Besides school preparedness, it increases the speed of brain development. It imparts skills in the youth of the future to be employable and be upstanding citizens of the country.
In a gist, early childhood education is the key that unlocks potential in young minds.